Spell Redesign: Lightning Bolt

It’s Sunday as I type this in Texas, so I’m taking a freebie and making a small adjustment to a spell I already mostly like. In this case, it’s introducing a legacy mechanic, and spicing it up a bit.

My Version (Cooler)

I toned down the damage slightly to compensate for the multiple damage procs, which helps keep this spell competitive with fireball. This is definitely cooler than fireball to be clear, but competitive with my eventual redesign of fireball. Competitive with the current version even, just with a leg up.

Maybe I’ll tackle that one next Sunday.

Also, you can change the line’s direction if you hit metal critters or critters wearing metal armor. Fun! You can potentially force the bolt to bounce in multiple different directions.

My Version (Even Cooler)

Ah, this is better. see, line spells are often regarded as the worst area of effects. Cones offer a degree of precision while still allowing you to target a decent number of creatures, a radius goes all in on accuracy through volume, and cubes work much like cones, except you can place them at range (usually at the cost of a smaller radius).

All of that is to say the line probably won’t hit many people. Oh well, at least with the prior version you could ensure people who were hit could at least get hit twice, right? I’ll do you one better; by allowing the return bolt to come back on a later turn, you and your allies can position the enemy specifically for the return bolt! Sure, you can prepare for the bolt in advance before you throw it, but it’s less of a priority if you think your caster buddy might cast lightning bolt in 3 turns vs positioning enemies for the return bolt you know is coming just after your turn.