Ai Dungeon Template

Dungeon Rooms

Top Level



Monster only!


Treasure! 1,000 pieces of silver, spilling out of sacks and covered in red runes are to be found in this room.
GPT 3 says:

Two large sacks are overflowing with 1,000 pieces of silver, each coin covered in mysterious red runes. The coins glimmer in the light, and the walls and floor are covered in a thick layer of dust.The single torch hanging from the wall casts an eerie light about the room, illuminating the treasure and its mysterious symbols.










Trick or trap! An arrow trap fires 1-3 arrows when triggered, 1 in 20 of which is poisoned.






Monster and treasure! 1,100 silver pieces, and 275 gold pieces. GPT 3 says:

The room is made from black stone, hewn from the bedrock of the Underdark, and it is cold and damp. The walls are damp with condensation and the floor is slick with moss. A large hole gap in the room’s wall leads down into the darkness of the Underdark, and the only light in the room comes from a single torch that flickers in the corner. In the middle of the room stands a monstrous creature, its eyes glowing with a menacing intensity. Along the walls of the room are scattered several chests, filled with silver and gold coins. The chests are made of a dark wood, banded with iron and rusting in places.




We got a special result for contents! Tell you what, we’re going to introduce an elevator here. We’ll describe it as magical, and reaching the same level as the nearest city (enclave) of the World Below.
GPT3 says:

The elevator is a mysterious, ancient contraption made of solid obsidian. It is a deep, velvety black with glints of deep purples, blues, and greens reflecting off its highly polished surface. The elevator is surrounded by a magical force field that shimmers and glows in a rainbow of colors. The force field is constantly shifting and swirling, like the aurora borealis, providing the only light in the dark depths of the Underdark. The elevator shaft is filled with strange and alien plant life. There are small, pale mushrooms that give off an eerie glow, and large ferns with fronds of deep purple and blue. The walls of the elevator are dotted with strange lichens, some of which are luminescent and brighten the dark space. There are also mosses of various shades of green, along with some strange, alien flowers of pink, yellow, and white.








Monster and treasure! 1,100 silver pieces and 275 gold pieces are loose on the floor, hidden by an illusion.
GPT 3 says:

The illusion appears as a large, shaggy, cream-colored rug spread across the floor. It has a slightly worn and frayed appearance, but it appears to be a perfectly normal rug. When stepped on, it gives an impression of being made of soft, silky fibers. The coins, however, are completely invisible.


Monster and Treasure! 1,100 silver pieces and 275 gold pieces are stored in iron trunks, but are hidden in a secret compartment of the trunks!
GPT 3 says:

The iron trunks contain a variety of items, such as parchment rolls, quills, ink bottles, maps, small wooden boxes, and other trinkets. The trunks are also lined with velvet and silk fabrics, as well as some coins of various denominations. The secret compartments can be accessed by pressing a hidden button on the side of the trunks. When this button is pressed, a hidden latch will appear, allowing the user to open the secret compartment. Inside the compartment are the 1,100 silver pieces and 275 gold pieces.


All three of these rooms are empty! Bummer.


Trick/Trap! It’s an elevator room, which descends 2 levels. We got a pretty good description of an elevator room earlier, so we’re going to use that.

The elevator is a mysterious, ancient contraption made of solid obsidian. It is a deep, velvety black with glints of deep purples, blues, and greens reflecting off its highly polished surface. The elevator is surrounded by a magical force field that shimmers and glows in a rainbow of colors. The force field is constantly shifting and swirling, like the aurora borealis, providing the only light in the dark depths of the Underdark. The elevator shaft is filled with strange and alien plant life. There are small, pale mushrooms that give off an eerie glow, and large ferns with fronds of deep purple and blue. The walls of the elevator are dotted with strange lichens, some of which are luminescent and brighten the dark space. There are also mosses of various shades of green, along with some strange, alien flowers of pink, yellow, and white.




Trick/Trap! Hey hey, our first secret door!
GPT 3 apparently has some trouble with the definition of “secret”, but it has a pretty gameable description of the room nonetheless!

Describe a secret door in an underdark-themed dungeon. The secret door is hidden in the shadows of the underdark dungeon. It is a large, wooden door with thick iron bands and a heavy lock. The door is almost invisible, as if it were part of the stone wall it is embedded in. The door appears to be made of the same stone as the wall, but is subtly different. It is slightly raised, and the stone around it is smooth and seamless, as if the door has been there for a very long time. When the adventurers approach, they will hear a faint clicking sound from the door. If they look closely, they will see a set of small, intricate metal gears and levers hidden in the wall. If the adventurers figure out the puzzle and correctly align the gears, the door will slowly open, revealing a dark, musty hallway beyond. The hallway is filled with cobwebs and dust, and the air is stale and musty. The walls are lined with strange and mysterious symbols, and the floor is littered with the bones and skulls of creatures long dead. At the end of the hallway lies a chamber filled with treasure and ancient artifacts.






Trick or trap!

